What is Abbruch?
Abbruch is a command-line utility
for managing lists of email addresses. Abbruchs actions are
based around features offered by procmail. (a powerful, yet
cryptic, unix mail filtering program).
Goals of Abbruch
Abbruchs primary goal is to make these more powerful features of procmail availible
to users who are capable of editing simple files and running a script file.
- A secondary
goal of Abbruch is to allow procmail powerusers to more effectively manage "chunks" of
their procmail rules.
Status of Abbruch
Abbruch is currently under development with an early alpha
preview of the types of features if has to offer. The alpha version
has been used by the creator/author to manage his own folders and block
lists. Thus it is relatively bug free. It's only considered alpha in sofar
as it's limitations and current lack of a proper design documentation.
As well as a few items that could pose security holes. (i.e. shell commands)