Technical Documents


Q 1.0 I'm a website designer and I've noticed you're looking for help with your site, would you like me to help?

A 1.0: Maybe

As of March 26 2002 this position has been filled. Any suggestions will be taken under consideration. If it opens up again a posting will occur on the main sourceforge website.

Q 1.1: I'm a developer who wishes to volunteer, may I be part of your project?

A 1.1: Maybe

As of writing this web page all but one developer position is filled. The only position availible is for someone who can construct RPM , debian , and TGZ packages for multiple platforms. If you are such a person please follow the steps below to sign up.

Q 1.2: Ok, sounds good, how do I contribute?

A 1.2: Follow these steps

  1. Log on to sourceforge.net and get a user ID
  2. Go to this projects sourceforge project page at http://sourceforge.net/projects/abbruch/
  3. click on "jason0816" on the "Project Admins" section, right hand side under "Developer Info"
  4. click on "email addr: jason0816 at users.sourceforge.net"
  5. type in your email with the appropriate return address. And for the subject line, please put "ABBRUCH: POSITION-NAME" of course filling in the title listed on the job posting page.

Q 2.0 What is your project?

A 2.0: Something wonderful!

In all seriousness Abbruch is a concept that I'm developing first into a command-line tool to allow users with shell accounts to more easily manage their email filtering.

Q 3.0: Why don't you have a CGI interface to this?

A 3.0:

        Please visit the Abbruch-web SourceForge Project Summary Page (Once online that is...) I'm scheming on a CGI interface and have already whipped up some preliminary HTML mockups for how people could interact with. I've promised my ISP a first look and the option to contribute to the open source effort, or to take them as thier own. Given that it's all based on an open source project so if they bite I may be working on the first rev with them, and not on sourceforge, then again they may become active participants in the whole development. I'll keep people posted via this page and the project annoucements page.

... more Q& A to come ...